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Compiling key economic indicators related to employment


Here's a brief explanation of each term:

  1. ADP Employment Change: Measures monthly changes in non-farm private employment based on payroll data.
  2. Average Hourly Earnings MoM/YoY: Measures monthly/yearly changes in workers' average hourly earnings.
  3. Average Weekly Hours: Average hours worked per week by employees.
  4. Challenger Job Cuts: Monthly report on the number of planned job cuts by employers.
  5. Continuing Jobless Claims: Number of people continuing to claim unemployment benefits.
  6. Employed Persons: Total number of people currently employed.
  7. Employment Cost Index: Measures the change in the cost of labor, including wages and benefits.
  8. Employment Rate: Percentage of the working-age population that is employed.
  9. Full Time Employment: Number of people working full-time.
  10. Government Payrolls: Number of jobs in the government sector.
  11. Hiring Plans Announcements: Public announcements by companies regarding future hiring plans.
  12. Initial Jobless Claims: Weekly report on the number of new claims for unemployment benefits.
  13. Job Layoffs and Discharges: Monthly data on layoffs and discharges.
  14. Job Openings: Number of open positions waiting to be filled.
  15. Job Quits Rate: Percentage of employees who voluntarily leave their jobs.
  16. Jobless Claims 4-Week Average: Four-week moving average of initial jobless claims.
  17. JOLTs Job Openings/Quits: Data from the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey, showing job openings and quits.
  18. Labour Costs: Total labor costs per unit of output produced.
  19. Long Term Unemployment Rate: Percentage of the unemployed who have been jobless for 27 weeks or more.
  20. Manufacturing Payrolls: Number of jobs in the manufacturing sector.
  21. Minimum Wages: Legal minimum hourly wage.
  22. Non-Farm Payrolls: Total number of paid U.S. workers excluding farm workers, private household employees, and non-profits.
  23. Nonfarm Payrolls Private: Number of private sector jobs added or lost.
  24. Nonfarm Productivity: Measure of output per hour of labor in the nonfarm business sector.
  25. Part Time Employment: Number of people working part-time.
  26. Participation Rate: Percentage of the working-age population that is either employed or actively looking for work.
  27. Population: Total population of a country or region.
  28. Productivity: Measure of efficiency, output per unit of input.
  29. Retirement Age Men/Women: Average retirement age for men/women.
  30. U-6 Unemployment Rate: Broadest measure of unemployment, including underemployed and discouraged workers.
  31. Unemployed Persons: Total number of people currently unemployed.
  32. Unemployment Rate: Percentage of the labor force that is unemployed.
  33. Unit Labour Costs: Ratio of total labor costs to real output.
  34. Wage Growth: Increase in wages over a specific period.
  35. Wages: General term for earnings received by workers.
  36. Wages in Manufacturing: Average earnings in the manufacturing sector.
  37. Youth Unemployment Rate: Percentage of unemployed individuals aged 15-24.

These indicators provide a comprehensive view of the employment situation and labor market health. For detailed data, you can check official sources such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and other relevant financial reports.
